Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Review: The Sims 2 for Nintendo DS

Cup O' Joe Reviews: The Sims 2 for Nintendo DS
My Rating: Caffe Late (3)

Really a Game for Everyone?

Back in the year 2006, I was in 6th grade. Amazon was a pretty unique place for me because of the "Kids Review" system. I wasn't allowed to do any online shopping yet, but with my own account, I could write reviews for games that I had. The review below was my account of "The Sims 2 DS".
I apologize in advanced for my 6th grade grammar or spelling errors. I wanted to preserve any history to the review itself. I am also pretty happy that over 13 people thought my review was helpful...


A Kid's Review on February 18, 2006
To me, Sims 2 is probbaly a great game to play for everyone because of the following...

1. Storyline 4/5 stars

The storyline in this game is that your car breaks down and you end up in the desert, in a small town called Strangetown. Then after a while, you end up owning and living in a hotel! While your at the hotel, you can check people in, check them out, build rooms, clean rooms, add touches to them, make your own music, paint in the gallery and sell paintings up to 1000 simolines (money), workout, save people from goons, aliens, and robots, meet bigfoot, talk to people in different ways, and much much more!!!

2. Gameplay 5/5 stars

Control- In the new Sims 2, you DON'T use a cruiser and click what you want to do. You have direct control over him/her.

And when you want to eat or sleep or something, you can either press A or you can press the command that pops up on the touch screen which is pretty cool. When your picking up or moving stuff, it's like the consel versions except you moving the furinture on blueprints that automaticly go into the room. And the rest of the stuff like painting or making music, you can use on the touch screen. (And this game is based on a real time clock.)

3. Needs 2/5 stars

Well I was kind disapointed with the needs because instead of needs, you have something called a sainty meter. The sainty meter is a meter that represents your needs but in a different way. It's also used in conversations (see no 4.) And like usual you still have to fill it up so you don't have a nervous breakdown and aliens abduct you.

The reason I was disapointed was because of the needs. Like in the previous games, you could buy stuff to support your needs and make your house look cool and stuff but when you play sims 2, your needs always stay up and there really isn't alot to buy because there is only one shop and only 1 new item comes in every week.

4. Socials 4/5 stars

When your talking to people in Sims 2, its kind of like a game and not the build relationship thing like in the previous. When you talk to people, they'll either be happy,sad,angry,romantic, or drunk. And in each conversation there are 3 different things to do or talk about.

When I said it was a game i meant that you have to match the social with the person so their sainty meter can go down. If you get it wrong, then yours goes down. Once you bring there's down then the conversation is over and you can carry on what you were doing. You can also press B to get out of one.

5. Graphics- 5/5 stars

In the Sims 2, the graphics are a lot better then I thought it would be! It's not like the GBA version where you walk up down left or right. In this one the Graphics are like the consels where you walk forward, backword , left and right.

6. Sound 5/5 stars

The songs in this game are songs that you want to hear alot or ones you want to get in the mood for. Not to mention that you can also create your own ring tone or song on the keybord.

7.Overall 4/5 stars

Overall this game is alot of fun for everyone and I reccomend this game for first or great sim fans!!!


I find it really funny reading a review from when I was 12-13 years old. It gives me a lot of nostalgia and also motivates me to continue writing. The Sims 2 DS was actually a pretty decent game. I picked it up recently and I do have to say that Maxis (or EA) could have put more into the game as far as content goes. After all, they repeated a lot of the Hotel's areas. In hindsight, I did like the GBA version a lot better.

Anyway, thanks for reading my first review ever from 10 years ago! 

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